The tools of my trade and twenty years of homeschooling had been pulled out of the cabinets and off the shelves. It was time to let go and move on to the next chapter in life. My kids were grown.
But twenty years of homeschooling offer perspective and perspective is a powerful teacher with those who have ears to learn.
Everywhere I looked around me I saw - not just stuff - but memories. The first picture book my daughter read, the first chapter book my son read.
The read alouds recalled hours with a little one in my lap, two more children on each side, and another draped across the top of the couch, pressing in to hear my words. Sweet memories!
There were reminders of the moments when my youngest students "got" phonics when they sounded out their first words or worked their first addition problems with counting beads. All by themselves!
AAHH! The dissection kit for the biology labs. Who knew that my son would think it was gross but my delicate daughter would love it and go into nursing!
But those were the good days. Homeschooling offered many challenges. You never choose it as the "easy road."
Why did I have three different spelling programs and scads of writing and grammar workbook series? Two of my children never seemed to "get" Language Arts. I kept thinking: If I can just pick the right program, it will all click and they will become brilliant students! Voila!!
I had to laugh over the workbook series on settling arguments between siblings and creating tranquility in the home. Other families always seemed to have it together and looked more loving and peaceful. Perhaps the workbook series would be the missing key to a harmonious home life.
Some trust in chariots
and some in horses,
but we trust in
the name of the LORD our God.
Psalm 20:7
Perspective has taught me a humble truth. I had a missing homeschool ingredient. Tearful talks with other moms over coffee and play-dates were only momentary bandaids.
I trusted in EVERYTHING but the name of the LORD my God. I checked the boxes on the lesson plans and added the credits on the transcripts but it wasn't until I came to the end of my own inventions that I desperately cried out to the the LORD.
Bottom line: Do the best you know when it comes to choosing curriculum and teaching your children Biblically. Stay in touch with a mom support group. But, first trust in the LORD and pray over everything each day.
Those children who just couldn't write - are writers now. Those siblings who fought earlier are now very close and God used even the discord to bring them closer to Him and each other.
Nothing is wasted in God's economy. He delights when we bring him our biggest - and smallest - problems. The variety of ways He can show Himself to be mighty in our lives are innumerable if we trust Him first in everything.