Monday, February 14, 2011

Porcelain Romance

What word comes to mind when you hear the word romance? My word is toilet and it took over a decade of marriage to learn that.

Ideas of love and courtship filled my waking thoughts during Junior High--and my dreams at night. I checked out every teen love story in the school library. Daydreams found me musing about Mr. Perfect who must be longing to discover me to make his life complete.

I did finally meet and marry my husband. Would it surprise you to discover that my first year of marriage was rocky-- and the next ten as well? 

To find out the happier ending to my porcelain romance story visit my post at (in)courage by Dayspring. 


  1. So glad your words are with us on (in)courage today, Rhodema!

  2. Sounds like my really wonderful husband whom I never appreciate enough... Your story made me cry.


Thank you for sharing your comment. I look forward to reading what you wrote.