What makes a moment sacred? Is it a time of awesome worship? Or is it a season of deep prayer in which we totally commit ourselves to God?
Moms often feel that they can never "do" ministry. Once they finish wading through the stacks of dishes or the piles of laundry, there is little time left to be used by God. They may even find it difficult to stay awake long enough to talk with Him.
When my first child was born, I went from business suit to spit-up-covered warm ups overnight. I worked until the day I went into labor.
The adjustment was abrupt although I anticipated it with excitement. The first week after the baby was born, my husband returned to work and my mom went home. I was solo and honestly, the moments seemed to crawl by although I could never point to a completed to-do list.
The tasks were often mundane. Feed the baby, change the baby, wash clothes, cook, feed the baby.... and the list went on and on. Unlike the board meetings I was used to where tasks were discussed, delegated and then later applauded, I was working in obscurity. Often, I could point to few real accomplishments at the end of each day.
Did my tasks have value? Did they matter to God?
And whatever you do in word or deed,
do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father
through him.
Colossians 3:17
Moses' life plan included 40 years of watching sheep in a wilderness. David's early years included a solitary life of singing Psalms to God and the sheep in his care.
I think of the last night of Jesus' life on Earth. He didn't find it too mundane to wash the feet of those He loved.
If we consider our daily tasks of childcare and husbandcare, they are acts of service for those He has placed in our lives--as mundane as these jobs may seem, at times.
They are also acts of worship to our Heavenly Father. They are indeed most holy moments.